Fire Cleansing

Cleanse and release that which hinders you from experiencing life fully.

Cleanse and release that which hinders you from experiencing life fully.

Upcoming Event

  • 18 May 2024

    18 May 2024

    7.00pm - 8.00pm
    7.00pm - 8.00pm


Step into the warmth of transformation as you join our Fire Cleansing Session, a powerful and symbolic gathering around a roaring bonfire. Embrace the transformative energy of fire and the communal spirit that unites individuals on a shared journey of purification and emotional release.
Step into the warmth of transformation as you join our Fire Cleansing Session, a powerful and symbolic gathering around a roaring bonfire. Embrace the transformative energy of fire and the communal spirit that unites individuals on a shared journey of purification and emotional release.

Why Choose the Fire Cleansing Session?

✨ The symbolic power of fire as a purifying force.

✨ Communal gathering fosters a sense of shared energy and support.

What to Expect

Check what is in store for you?

The Fire Cleansing Session Difference

Hear What Others Are Saying About Our Event!

Secure Your Spot for the Next Fire Cleansing Session

Join us for an unforgettable journey of purification and release. Reserve your spot for the upcoming Fire Cleansing Session and embark on a communal experience that sparks transformation and renewal.

  • Date: 18 May 2024
    Date: 18 May 2024
    Time: 7.00pm - 8.00pm
    Time: 7.00pm - 8.00pm
