Last week, our family spotted a butterfly that was small and brownish. It was not the prettiest specimen but it was a cause for a celebration because it is a rare sight for city folk!

This morning, I saw a bright red dragonfly alit on a branch. It was simply magnificent! Amidst the greenery, its brilliant red hues were calling out for attention.

Where did my observations and reflections lead to?

I find that people generally base their personal happiness on the big things in life, covering job, house, car, bank account. What we normally term as ‘things that one should have in order to bring a satisfied smile onto one’s face’ and be considered happy.


Quite the opposite indeed. For, I am super grateful to have woken up at all today and to be greeted to a warm sunny day. I am grateful to have running water. I was filled with sheer happiness upon encountering the dragonfly, alive and displaying its beauty and grace, perched atop a branch, ever so gracefully.

My happiness is not based on material things! In fact, the sheer joy comes from simple things like, I break out in song whenever I see a microphone! I tiptoe to the tune I hear and even dance when the music’s good, no matter where! Yesterday’s sight of a rainbow embraced me with such joy and the feeling lasted me for a full seven day period!

You know the English saying, “Don’t sweat the small stuff”?

I would paraphrase to read as “Cherish the joys in little things”.

And the list goes on and on.

The sounds of laughter in the mornings as your kids play. The trail of ants on the floor as they go about their own Life. The flock of birds flapping into the sunset.

There is just so much to appreciate if we stop ourselves for a minute or two to pause and observe, take stock of what happiness means. And, if we give it enough weight to overshadow the negatives that threaten our daily bliss and peace.

If we allow that bliss within us to grow, in no time at all, we will have built ourselves a cocoon that protects us through our lives, and with enough experiences and wonder to lead us to a life of wholesome joy.